Northern Monmouth County Branch NJ AAUW Study Groups

Study, Action, and Interest Groups

Study, Action, and Interest groups provide an opportunity for members to grow intellectually and creatively, broaden their involvement in topics of interest, become agents for intelligent community action and meet people who share similar interests. Any member of the NMCB branch may join an existing group or visit as a guest. Guests may also participate in groups, but must join within three months of first attending as a guest.
NMCB members receive updates in the emailed NetWorks. Join today!

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Art History
Studies and discusses global art of all periods and genres through member presentations and visits to museums, galleries, and outdoor art exhibitions. New members are welcome!

Meeting Date/Time: Meetings times and dates vary. Contact the group chairs or study group director for more information.
Chairs: Joan Fruchter, Barbara Iwanski, Barbara Withers
French Conversation
Our group enables women with a good knowledge of the French language to maintain their fluency through some language structure reviews and conversation with other members on different topics. Upon the recommendation of our members we have now added a literary component to some of our meetings. Members are encouraged to participate (orally or written) at the monthly meetings. Newcomers are always welcome.

Meeting Date/Time: Monthly, 2nd Thursday, 7:30pm online

Chair: Jeannine Maloney

This group reads non-fiction and meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom.
New members are always welcome!

Meeting Date/Time: Monthly, 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, online
Contact: Kathleen Olsen

Literature Group
The group selects literary fiction, with an occasional memoir, to be read in the coming year. A different member leads the group each month and presents background and critical appraisal of the selection. All meetings right now are held online, with perhaps a hybrid meeting: in-person and online, in the future.
Please join us!

Meeting Date/Time: Monthly, 3rd Thursday, 1 pm-2:30pm, online
Chair: Regina Sieben

Russian Short Stories
This study group reads Russian short stories and examines popular themes within Russian literature.
All materials for the study group are available through

Meeting Date: Monthly, 3rd Thursday, 1pm, online
Chair: Stephanie Rose
Writing Group - Not In Session
Members of this group are interested in all kinds of writing - memoirs, poetry, fiction, essays - and vary from experienced writers to beginners. Some members work on longer pieces and some experiment with variety. Meetings begins with a journal exercise followed by lunch. We listen to and discuss pieces or parts of pieces brought in by various members, or more finished pieces that are read in advance. New group members always welcome!

Meeting Date/Time: no meetings scheduled at this time

German Conversation - Not In Session
We read auf deutsch and translate with the goal to improve our German language skills in reading and conversation. Our group is a mixture of English speaking members with a background of college level German and several members who are native German speakers. New members are always welcome.

Meeting Date/Time: No meetings scheduled at this time

For more information please call ~ 732-275-2237
Copyright 2007-2022 Northern Monmouth County Branch AAUW