Northern Monmouth County Branch NJ AAUW Luncheon

8th Annual Northern Monmouth County Branch Scholarship Luncheon
Featuring guest speaker
Dr. Elaine O'Brien, Ph.D, MAPP
The Power of Play: Optimize your Joy Potential

April 17, 2024 * 12pm * Beacon Hill Country Club Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Printable Flyer:
Luncehon flyer link

To use PayPal, please complete registration form AND PayPal payment, or print and mail form with check.

Step 1: Please fill out reservation form below, including entree choice and, if desired, person with whom you would like to be seated.

Step 2: PayPal Payment
Click button to go to PayPal website and select number of tickets
Each ticket is $87.55 before March 23, $97.55 after March 23
Includes online processing fee.
Can't attend? Consider a Donation to the scholarship fund

For more information please call ~ 732-275-2237
Copyright 2007-2023 Northern Monmouth County Branch AAUW