NMCB Book Sale

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Questions?� Please use our form to contact the book sale chair

For updates or questions please call: 732-275-2237


Old First Church
69 Kings Highway, Middletown

Lower Level, outside stairs
For information - please call : 732-275-2237 a leave a voicemail
Questions?� Please use our form to contact the book sale chair

Open:� Saturdays: 10am - 2pm, Thursdays:
10am - 12pm , September through June
Saturdays: 10am - 1:30pm, Thursdays: 10am - 11:30am Thursdays, September through June�
Closed July and August
Re-opens - Sept 9th, 2023

Wide selection of items for sale:
� New releases, hardcovers, paperbacks, childrens' books, fiction and non-fiction,
histories, biographies, CDs, DVDs

Remember - If you wouldn't buy it, we can't sell it!

Accepted:� Books in good condition - children books through young adult, fiction, history, biographies, mysteries, sci-fi, and fantasy. Also accepted: CDs, DVDs, audio books, and videos.�

Not accepted: � VHS tapes; cassette tapes; textbooks; encyclopedias; Readers Digest Condensed books; financial, business, cookbooks, gardening books, self-help books, or computer how-to manuals. No books that have been written in or highlighted; or any items in poor physical condition including moldy, water damaged, with broken spines, chewed, etc.�

Download and Print the donation policy: Donations

Books should be packed in nothing larger than a liquor box.�
Paper and plastic grocery bags are also acceptable.
Donate: �
9am - 12:30pm Saturdays, 10am - 11:30am Thursdays, September through June

We thank you for your support and donations!
pile of books

Volunteers Needed!
We need help at the book sale on Saturday mornings - just a few hours of your time!�

It's a great way to meet new people and get involved in the branch.
To volunteer, please use our form to contact the book sale staffing chair.

For more information please call ~ 732-275-2237
Copyright 2007-2023 Northern Monmouth County Branch AAUW