Northern Monmouth County Branch

2018-2019 Meeting Calendar
Please check here and NetWorks for�program details, locations, and changes
Meeting time, unless noted differently:
Networking: 7 p.m.
Business Meeting: 7:30 p.m.
Program: 7:50 p.m.

Please refresh your browser window for the latest information.
Updated : 9-18-2018

Oct 1, 2018

Mission In Action

Our mission to support girls’ and women’s education means our fundraising efforts allow NMCB to sponsor two women at NCCWSL (National Conference of College Women Student Leaders), five rising eighth grade girls to TechTrek, and four women for scholarships at Monmouth U., Douglass College, and Brookdale Community College.
All of them will be invited to our opening October 1 meeting.
Members are encouraged to turn out to meet these incredible girls and women and hear how AAUW has impacted their educational lives

Location:�Eatontown Community Center, 72 Broad Street Eatontown

Nov 12, 2018

Presentation by Kelly Barb, humanitarian engineer and motivational speaker.�
Faculty & students invited.

Monmouth University

Dec 3, 2018

“De-cluttering & Organizing with Humor”
Join us to hear Jamie Novak, author and organizing humorist.
Fundraiser event

Eatontown Community Center, 72 Broad Street Eatontown
Feb 4, 2019
T. Thomas Fortune
Lorraine Stone and colleagues to present on the life, importance and accomplishments of TTF.� Brief description of efforts to preserve and restore this historic landmark at 94 Dr. James Parker Blvd., Red Bank.


Mar 21, 2019
Annual Inter-branch Meeting�
Topic to be announced.

Location:� Manalapan Community Center, 114 Rt. 33, Manalapan

Apr 1, 2019 Interior Design
Presentation by Celeste Chirichella, professor in the Design Department at BCC.�
Resources provided and capacity limited to 30.

Location: Brookdale Community College


Details Comins Soon!

Location: TBA
Time: 12pm

May 6, 2019 Speaker from Rutgers’ Center for American Women & Politics at Eagleton Institute.
Topic and speaker TBA

Eatontown Community Center, 72 Broad Street Eatontown

June 3, 2019 Diversity
Panel TBA

Location: Eatontown Community Center, 72 Broad Street Eatontown

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