Northern Monmouth County Branch

NMCB Board

Board meetings are generally held on the last Monday of the month at 7:00pm at Arbor Terrace Shrewsbury in the upstairs meeting room.
Members are welcome to attend.

Board of Directors

Co-Presidents Nancy Butler
Pat Miller
Program Annette Benanti
Vickie Snoy
Study Group Marie Gambuzza
Susan Gelber
Membership Mary Lea Burden
Barbara Withers
Development Mary Anne Anderl
Arlene Thoma
Public Policy Arlene Newman
Communications Karen Topham
Marian Wattenbarger
Education Outreach Renee Swartz
Member-at-large Barbara Williamson
Treasurer Alice MacPhee
Recording Secretary Irene Holler

Audit Mary Anne Anderl
Sandi Dalton
Linda Schwabenbauer
Meeting Coordinator
Book Sale Chair Mary Anne Anderl Newsletter Editor Karen Topham
Book Sale Staffing Annabelle Boehm Nominations Annabelle Boehm
Marilyn Baldi
Marie Gambuzza
Carol Toolan
Budget Committee Alice MacPhee Parliamentarians Mary Lea Burden
Bylaws Alice MacPhee Phone Contact Irene Holler
Catherine Duckett -Monmouth Univ
Nancy Mezey - Monmouth Univ
Susan Monroe - Brookdale CC
Schools Liaison Connie Goddard
Community OutreachBetty RandallScholarshipCarol Walther

Corresponding Secretary Betsy WattleySTEM CoordinatorSusan Monroe
Facebook AdministratorHeather BalczarekWebsite AdministratorHeather Balczarek
HistorianCharla TewksburyYearbook EditorCarol Walther
LAF RepresentativeAAUW-NJ RepBarbara Williamson

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